Job In Tourism > News > Editoriale > In order for heat not to melt our brains

In order for heat not to melt our brains

Di Antonio Caneva, 30 Luglio 2015

These stifling summer days are emptying us of strength, but not enthusiasm.
Encouraged by some timid improvement of the economy and the general mood, we are getting ready to go on holidays, though not without having made an improvement and developed a plan for when we come back.
First the improvement: we felt the need to make our publication more adherent to its digital nature, outgrowing the print magazine approach which has been with us for 18 years. Honestly, I had some affection for its slightly “retro” style, but I do recognise that the new layout makes it more legible and closer to our readers’ expectations. Therefore, I have resigned myself to it.
Then the plan: learning opportunities outside of repetitive formats, by adopting a new approach and proposing four days of meetings for sharing knowledge, learning and exchanging ideas in the field of hotel management, discussing our own convictions.
How did this idea come to be? One morning, while having breakfast as usual at the Enterprise hotel with Dennis Zambon, we discussed how often, as the Chinese saying goes, we keep on looking at the finger that is pointing to the moon, thus missing opportunities and causing sometimes irreparable damage. I was captured – as usual – by Zambon’s line of reasoning, and we transformed our chat into a real plan which is now here and ready to be consulted
Having Zambon as a partner, even the venue cannot but be special: the meetings will be held at the Executive hotel in Milan, which is no big surprise, but they will take place in thematic halls reflecting the topics that are being dealt with in each session.
Even more new things for the Autumn: the renovation of the training section in the website, and the activation of advertisement alerts, by which visitors, if they wish, will be able to receive emails with the advertisements they are interested in.
Enough of it, now I am leaving for the mountains. Best wishes to everybody, we will be back at the end of August!

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