The new year has just started, and like Leopardi’s almanac seller we feel like swearing that it will be better than the ones before. According to a ritual that takes place with the first issue of every year, we have just replaced the date in the heading – the three Is of the roman number has turned into an I preceding a V – which always gives us some emotion. It is a sign that time – alas! – is passing, but also that Job in Tourism is constantly maturing and growing, launching new proposals and getting closer to its readers’ needs. Last year’s great innovation was the agreement that allowed us to turn into a weekly publication, and this year is promising to be rich in stimuli and novelties. Already in January, there will be the forum on education in tourism planned to be held in Naples, which is intended to be a moment of enlightening discussion on one of the fundamental themes of tourism. Later on in the year – together with Turismo Oggi – we will promote a meeting on professional associations, another essential topic of the world of employment in tourism. The growth of our role in the dynamics of human resources has been confirmed by the collaboration requests – some of them already operative – coming to us from many Internet portals focused on tourism, which will further improve the visibility of our classifieds. No other print/Internet mixed system allows for such an effective circulation. This year we will complete the area-contact network we started setting up in 2000, and will start operating on the site, which was opened at the end of 2000 under the best auspices, but is still void of contents. Our very best wish for the year, however, is to be able to again sell the full newspaper edition at newsagents, rather than just the classified ads inside Italia Oggi on Saturdays, as we are doing now. All is to be based on the possibility to ensure a fast and timely transmission of news and advertisements. The agreement we made with Class Editori has enabled us to build experience and – above all – efficiency, an essential quality for those who -like us – place themselves at the service of companies and workers.
Translation of the Italian editorial by Paola Praloran
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