For eleven years Job in Tourism has organised the TFP Summit, held in Milan in February, where the employers of the hotel and restaurant industry come together with professionals. Its format has been successfully tested, and the event has become a steady appointment for companies and candidates. During the day, a number of small educational initiatives capture the visitors’ attention.
In Italian, the word “glocal” has an unusual sound. it is a portmanteau of “global” and “local”, and this is the way the Italian page of Wikipedia describes it:” Glocalization places the individual, the human being, the person’s and the group’s local tangible and intangible wealth at the centre of its philosophy… it never loses sight of the micro in its relation with the macro”.
Considering the above, it is necessary to also keep contact with local environments, and that is why we thought of an itinerant TFP Summit, capable of extending Milan’s traditional experience to the satisfaction of local needs, and we consequently designed an itinerary that covers the entire Italian territory depending on seasonality and specific requirements.
The first stage of this journey will take us – on 25 September 2018 – to Hotel Crowne Plaza in Verona, a city which we believe may reflect the needs of a significant area of Italian tourism. We are mainly thinking of Trentino/Alto Adige, Veneto and Venezia Giulia, with the opportunities offered by the mountains, the sea, the lakes and the art cities.
In the hospitality business, workers are at the centre of the management process; their contribution to a company’s success is absolutely essential, and helps to convey to guests a sense of the characteristics and values of our country, thus making for a unique visiting experience. Indeed, the TFP Summit’s slogan is “People make reputation”.
On the other hand, correct management hinges on professionalism, and it is necessary to carefully select the personnel that best respond to a company’s specific needs.
Are we being idealistic? Will an annual event be sufficient for employers and candidates to come together?
We believe it is a valid initiative, and only time will tell if this is true. The one thing we would hate to have to regret is having been too lazy to respond to the stimuli coming from our sector’s dynamics.
See you in Verona!
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