In a letter appearing in this issue, a reader shares the difficulty he encountered looking for a new placement. He writes about an interesting professional experience, and the fact that – relying on work experience already acquired – he was convinced it would be easy to find a new position after the end of his long-lasting cooperation with the company he had worked for until two years before. It turned out not to be so, and he is currently awaiting job offers – which, I am sure, will not take long to come, considering the specific nature of the reader’s skills and Job’s circulation. This episode has made me wonder whether the information we supply is adequate and to the best of our ability or, conversely, whether it could be improved, facilitating the work of tourist operators and enhancing the effectiveness of communication. I have especially considered position-wanted ads, which because of their conciseness not always succeed in conveying all the relevant information, and I wondered how to allow for advertisers to achieve greater visibility on the one hand, and for interested companies to access more detailed information in finding a match for their needs, on the other hand. A solution is provided by information technology, and we are now working at a project which is close to completion. We are planning to allow advertisers to post not only their ad – which ensures that the person is available at the moment – but also their curricula in the Internet. We believe these are meaningful steps in the growth of Job, which find recognition in the increasing number of readers and advertisers both in Italy and in other countries. The number of classified ads has remarkably increased, and the more and better services we are planning to offer are intended to support the constant growth of our service, which – since it started – has almost doubled the allocated space annually.
Increasing effectiveness
Di Antonio Caneva English translation Paola Pr, 30 Marzo 2001
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